Territorial Thinkers ...
... is an independent platform of experts, highly experienced in European, national, regional and local policy development with a territorial dimension.
... aim to support on-going policy development processes by presenting arguments, evidence, ideas, options and recommendations to policy makers.
... are convinced from experience that a clear territorial dimension in policy conception and in programme strategies and implementation releases new innovative and cooperative dynamism which should be captured and used positively to achieve European policy objectives.
The idea is to bring together the experience and insights to focus on important and relevant matters, and present rational and sharp arguments for a stronger territorial dimension of European policy-making. / read more
Territorial Briefings
Territorial Briefings are short papers by the territorial thinkers with reflections to stimulate further debate. The Briefings address in greater depth the territorial dimension of an important issue to support on-going policy development processes.
See all Territorial Briefings HERE.
Territorial Blog - KREMER
The Territorial Blog - KREMER is a platform where proponents of territorial thinking and a territorial approach to European and transnational policy development can express their personal territorial thoughts on a selected subject into a wider debate.
See all KREMER contributions HERE.
Territorial Briefing No 12
Is “the West” losing its grip?
by Sverker Lindblad
Sverker Lindblad examines the position and development of the Western world relative to other parts of the world.
Download the Territorial Thinkers' Briefing 2024:12
KREMER - January 2025
27 national plans:
include the territorial reality
by Peter Mehlbye, Kai Böhme, Peter Schön & Derek Martin
The proposal for 27 national plans offers opportunities to streamline EU policies and improve their coherence across sectors, but it needs a strong territorial dimension.